Trident Projects Aust have the following Management Systems Which are Implemented on all projects.
Cost Control – Delivery on Budget
Trident implements Global Systems Buildsoft & Cubit Pro Cost Management system into the company’s operations. Project Managers are equipped with the necessary information to value the project, forecast accurate costs to completion and manage changes to the contract. Our clients rest assured that the budget is being well managed and issues can be promptly dealt with.
Time Control – Deliver on Program
Master programs are prepared using Microsoft Project, enabling us to plot necessary cash flows and manpower histograms. This vital management tool enables Project Managers to plan the performance on site by collecting on-site data and reviewing productivity and performance. This serves to highlight areas of potential delay, and allows pre-emptive action to be taken. Delivering on time is critical to project success and underpins our ability to manage and control project delivery.
Quality Assurance
Trident Projects is compliant to AS/NZS ISO 9001:2000. We have consolidated our procedures and policies into a Quality Assurance Manual. This document covers all aspects of our operations and is used on all of our sites to ensure consistency and reliability of project outcomes.
Work Health & Safety
Trident Projects is also compliant to AS/NZS ISO 4801:2012. A positive attitude towards health and safety is important. All accidents can be avoided, by developing a positive awareness on the job. Our Zero Tolerance Policy has regular safety audits and site staff inductions. Through constant reinforcement, education and commitment Trident Projects Is able to provide a safe work place culture.
Environment Controls
Trident Projects Aust is compliant to AS/NZS ISO 14001:1996. At Trident Projects we take pride in building ‘clean and green’. We realise that our projects have an effect on the environment and we take responsibility for improving the environment wherever possible.
At Trident, we have formalised procedures so that we can offer our Clients the same level of service, regardless of the type or location of your project. Our systems and procedures are focused on minimising risk, and providing the best possible project outcomes.